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Davide Sacchi was born in 1966 in Pavia in northern Italy, near the banks of the Ticino River.
He has been an angler for many years and a great lover of fly tying. In the 2000's he founded the group 'Friends of Slovenian River' and he's also one of the founders of the 'Grey Goose Fly Club'.
He’s working for the famous fly shop called 'Il Gatto Con Gli Stivali' in Milan.
Over the years he has had the opportunity to fish in British Columbia, Alaska, Yukon, Caribean’s flats and in Europe in neighbouring countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Austria.
From this comes his experience, his predilection in flyt tying fro Trout, Grayling, Pike, Salmon, Steelhead , Saltwater etc...
For many years he has been part of the Master Fly Tyer on the online site 'Flies Author'.
He has often won international competitions for fly tying. Regularly he organises courses and participates as a guest in various clubs.
Until 2017 he was Pro Team Partridge of Reddich. From 2018 PRO Team AHREX and ambassador Swisscdc, ambassador FFE.